IPIFF Missions

The voice of the insect sector in the European Union

The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) is an EU non-profit organisation which represents the interests of the insect production sector towards EU policymakers, European stakeholders and citizens. Originally created in 2012, the association is today composed of 70 members.

Most IPIFF members are European small and medium-sized enterprises who produce insects for the European market. The association also welcomes insect producing companies located outside Europe, research institutes and other actors along the food supply chain.

IPIFF Missions

promoting ipiff - insect production sector

To Promote

IPIFF main mission is to promote the wider use of insects as an alternative or new source of protein for human consumption and animal feed through continuous dialogue with the European institutions. Notably, IPIFF centres its activities around advocating for appropriate EU legislative frameworks to apply to insect production.

To Support

IPIFF is actively supporting the development of the insect sector. To accomplish its mission, the association helps its members in the effective implementation of EU food and feed safety legislations, such as through the development of shared standards and good hygiene practices


To Inform

IPIFF aims to inform and communicate on the benefits of eating insects and their use as animal feed towards the wider public. As European association representing 70 members based in 23 countries, IPIFF has singled out education as a critical mean to foster the development of the insect sector.

IPIFF working hand in hand with leading stakeholders

Furthermore, IPIFF collaborates with renowned universities and research institutes as well as with several insect producers established outside Europe: these actors have a status of associated members within the association.

Registered in the EU transparency register, IPIFF is a member of various ‘EU institutional consultative platforms’ established by EU public authorities (e.g. the European Commission Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant HealthEFSA Stakeholders’ Forum).

IPIFF closely collaborates with EU stakeholders’ associations representing and agri-food chain actors (e.g. European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives, Feed manufacturers, Food and Drink industries, Veterinarians).

Following the IPIFF Annual event of the 1st of December 2021, IPIFF has joined forces in supporting efforts to upscale EU protein production together with the EU umbrella organisation for the algae sector EABA and for the yeast industry COFALEC.