IPIFF Webinar: Investing in Europe’s Agri-Future – EU funding opportunities for the insect farming sector

The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) is pleased to invite you to its webinar titled ‘Investing in Europe’s Agri-Future: EU funding opportunities for the insect farming sectoron 28 June 10h00 – 12h00 CST (Brussels time). 

Following previous workshops promoted by IPIFF with guests presenting different funding opportunities in the area of research and innovation, IPIFF’s 2024 webinar will discuss EU Funding opportunities for SMEs, as well as their implementation in the EU insect sector.

You can find the provisional programme below.

For more information and queries, please contact eduard.tsvetanov@ipiff.org

Preliminary programme & guest speakers

Below you can see the confirmed speakers at the IPIFF Webinar on 28 June 2024.

Keep an eye on this webpage or on our LinkedIn channel for more details.

Guest Speakers

Speakers are representatives from the EU institutions who will present financial and funding mechanisms available to SMEs under programmes such as InvestEU, NextGeneration EU and Regional Development Fund and how insect-producing companies can access them.

After each session, participants will have the opportunity to address the speakers in the Q&A Sessions.

In the Panel Debate, participants will have the opportunity to address the European Commission and engage with IPIFF companies representatives n to discuss the practical implementation of these financial and funding mechanisms towards the growth of the EU insect sector.

Preliminary Programme

10h00-Opening Session (10m)

Inaugural address by IPIFF’s President

Introduction by Moderator

10h10- Session 01: ‘InvestEU- Investing in the future of EU insect production’ 

Keynote: Representative from the European Commission, Directorate-General on the Internal Market, Industry, SMEs and Entrepreneurship (TBC)

In this session, participants will learn about different EU financial support mechanisms available to Small and Medium Enterprises active in insect-producing activities, notably through the InvestEU Fund. The funds support investments with the security provided by the EU budget guarantee. EU budget guarantee backs the investments of financial partners, increasing the risk-bearing capacity of SMEs. 

Join to learn how investments in your company can be backed by the EU budget guarantee.

10h30- Q&A Session with the Speaker

Session 02: ‘Next Generation EU: Strengthening the growth and resilience of EU insect SMEs’

Representative from the European Commission, Directorate General on Economic and Financial Affairs  (TBC)

This session aims to inform participants about the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) which entered into force in February 2021 and remains operational until 2027 through the NextGenerationEU. It is an unprecedented EU recovery instrument to help repair the immediate economic and social damage of the coronavirus pandemic, disbursing up to €648 billion in grants and loans. Out of those 44 billion, were already implemented by EU SMEs, improving their growth and resilience. 

Join to learn about the different funding opportunities available to insect farming activities through the Next Generation EU and how to access those in your country.

10h55- Q&A Session with the Speaker

Session 03: ‘Funding opportunities under European Regional Development Policies’

Vincent Leiner, European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy.

In this session, we will explore the funding opportunities provided by the European Regional Development Fund to strengthen the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises. Between 2021-2027, the fund enables investments to make Europe and its regions: more competitive and smarter, through innovation and support to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). 

Join to learn about the different funding opportunities available to SMEs under the Regional Development Fund and how to access them, through your regional authorities.

11h20- Q&A Session with the Speaker

Panel Discussion: ‘Placing the EU financial and funding mechanisms at the service of the growth and resilience of the EU insect SMEs’

Several IPIFF insect-producing companies representatives will exchange with the guest speakers from the European Commission, to discuss the practical implementation of these financial and funding with real case stories from the EU insect sector and reflect on how insect SMEs can better take advantage of EU financial and funding mechanisms. Join the discussion and address your questions to the panellists. 

11h55– Wrap-up by the Moderator and Closing Remarks from IPIFF’s President

Sponsorship opportunities

Want to get your company featured where it matters? Feel free to check out our sponsorship opportunities available here.

If you have any ideas, please reach out to eduard.tsvetanov@ipiff.org.