IPIFF National Network
During the latest General Assembly meeting, IPIFF Members agreed to establish a ‘National Network’ with the view to developing a ‘structured’ dialogue with associations representing insect producers in the different Member States of the European Union (EU).

….Coordination with national insect associations on policy activities related to insect farming in order to shape the EU regulatory framework.

…Support the implementation of EU legislation at national level.

…Support the development of national networks in EU countries where such collaborations do not exist.
How does it work?
The Members of the Network have access to:
o Bilateral meetings between the IPIFF Secretariat and the Member of the Network with the view to defining and addressing the agreed ‘policy subjects’;
o ‘Ad hoc’ participation to the IPIFF Policy Working Groups or Knowledge Platforms and/or ‘extraordinary’ meetings;
o Public sessions of IPIFF General Assembly meetings (meetings organised twice a year);
o ‘External events’ organised by IPIFF;
o Access to the IPIFF monthly newsletter (INSider).
Current Members of the IPIFF national network
How to apply to the network?
The applicant must be legally established as ‘insect national association’ (or equivalent) in one of the countries of the European Union.
Membership fee: 769 EUR for the year 2024.
For more information on the functioning of the IPIFF National Network and on how to become a Member, please send an email to christophe.derrien@ipiff.org.