
IPIFF is hiring!

Do you have background/experience in international policies, economics, law, agronomy, animal or food science? Are you keen on gaining valuable experience in the area of public affairs and work for an innovative & growing sector at European level?

The International Platform of Insects for Food & Feed (IPIFF) is seeking to recruit a Policy Advisor to reinforce its Secretariat in Brussels (the selected candidate should start as from September 2022).

IPIFF is a non-governmental organisation set up to represent the insect production sector at EU level. Its membership includes 82 members, representing insect producing companies research centres specialised in insect production and other actors active along the insect value chain. IPIFF ‘s mission is to promote the use of insects & insect derived products as top tier source of nutrients for human consumption & animal feed.

For more details regarding this vacancy, please download the vacancy description here.